Built in 1952, not a monument
This is one of the larger buildings on this section of the site. It used to be the filling and cartridge-loading workshop. A cartridge discharges a shot. The cartridge comprises the bullet, the powder charge, the percussion cap, and the shell containing all of these. Filling the munition was a very dangerous task, involving a host of precautionary measures. In the event of an explosion, the semi-curved roof directed the impact of a blast wave towards the north of the site. Here, woods had been planted as a buffer between the site and the city of Zaandam. The wave could not be directed south, as the administrative buildings were located on the waterfront.
The building currently houses De Patronage, which produces photographs and video and also stages events.
More information: https://depatronage.nl/
Built in 1952, not a monument
This was where primers and tracers were produced. Pressing explosives was a high-risk activity. The contact between an explosive and the oxidizing agent improves when they are mixed, pressed, and ground. The explosive force increases and the explosive becomes more compact, so that it can be used to, say, fill hand grenades. Because of this, precautionary measures were taken in the press shop to minimize the impact of an explosion. In the event of an explosion, the semi-curved roof directed the impact of a blast wave towards the north of the site. Here, woods had been planted as a buffer between the site and the city of Zaandam. The wave could not be directed south, as the administrative buildings were located on the waterfront. Employees only used non-sparking tools. Sources of fire and flames, such as lighters and keys, were handed over to the gatekeeper. Antistatic work clothes had to be worn and only diesel-powered means of transport, such as small tractors and forklifts, were permitted on site.
This is now the studio of Levi van Veluw, an artist who produces multidisciplinary artworks.
More information: https://levivanveluw.com/
Studio Noa Verhofstad is also based here, where handmade components for photography, films, sets and installations are central to the fashion, art, and marketing projects.
More information: https://noaverhofstad.nl/
Built in 1952, not a monument
Here, cartridge shells – the casing around the powder charges in weapons – were lacquered. The building was part of the complex where cartridges were produced. Later on, it was used as a washing and changing room. The southern section was the inspection centre until Eurometaal shut down in 2003.
Currently, the building is home to Taets Art and Event Park. Events and exhibitions are held here.
More information: https://www.taets.com/
Built in 1952, not a monument
This used to be the trotyl press shop. Trotyl is short for trinitrotulene, an explosive used to fill grenades. In the workshop, the trotyl was weighed then pressed into small cubes. Mixing, pressing, and grinding improves the contact between an explosive and the oxydizing agent. The explosive force increases and the explosive becomes more compact, so that it can be used to, say, fill hand grenades and cartridges. Precautionary measures were taken in the press shop building to minimize the impact of an explosion. In the event of an explosion, the semi-curved roof directed the impact of a blast wave towards the north of the site. Here, woods had been planted as a buffer between the site and the city of Zaandam. The wave could not be directed south, as the administrative buildings were located on the waterfront.
The northwest side of the building was clad with panels to seal off the press room. On this side there was also a screen of posts, to limit the effect of an explosion. The extension served as a tool store and pump house. Later on, chemical materials were stored here.
Currently, the building is home to Ultra Ultra, a creative agency for social issues. They develop high-profile projects that raise awareness, encourage debate, and make people think.
More information: https://www.ultra-ultra.nl/
Various narrow-gauge railways criss-cross the Hembrug site, along which lorries – small rail wagons – were pushed by employees. This was an easy way to transport heavy goods across the site from the station. The lorries and forklifts were maintained in the garage. The fire brigade was also based here. Later on, the garage moved and the development department was housed here.
A former employee recalls: ‘I rode on a lorry and drove diesel vehicles. In winter, gritting was my job. If I was picked up at night in a taxi by the site police, I’d grab a diesel vehicle and go and get a full sand cart. I attached this to the vehicle and drive all over the site. I’d grab a coffee from the gatekeeper then continue my journey over the whole site. When the sand was all gone, I went to the lads to get the trailer filled, because ‘that wasn’t Willem’s job. Willem drove the diesel vehicle, the lads shovelled the sand.’
The Atelier of Maarten Heijkamp is currently based here. Heijkamp is a visual artist who creates large-scale photographic works using a camera obscura.
More information: https://www.maartenheijkamp.nl/
Built in 1952, not a monument
This building is a prime example of a factory building dating from the reconstruction period. It was here that shells and grenade casings were made and stored. In the 1980s, some of it was converted to dip baths, a workshop where grenade casings were degreased, phosphated, lacquered, and muffled. It was also the paint shop for packaging materials.
Nowadays, furniture maker Sander Borsje has his workshop here. His business focuses on furniture and interior design, and exhibition design.
Built in 1920 – 1940, municipal monument
This is one of only a few small buildings on the site. The carbide installation in the building made the gas for the blacksmiths’ torches and the carbide lamps. The same acetylene gas was used as a pesticide to tackle moles, rats, and mice. A wetted piece of carbide was pushed into the hole or passage and the gas released did the rest.
From 1961, the carbide building served as a glass and paint store. The basement has a ceiling made from unique glass bricks.
This is currently the home of Gunpowderstudio, an intimate, contemporary space for photo shoots, film shoots, team meetings, creative sessions, workshops, and presentations.
More information: https://gunpowderstudio.com/
Built in 1929, not a monument
This is where gas masks were made and tested. The story goes that employees could test gas masks for 1 guilder, which was a lot of money back then. In 1937, Opleiding Vaklieden, which later became the Hembrug in-company training centre, was based here. This was the Netherlands’ first in-company training centre. It was hard to find good technical personnel. Plus, many people had moral objections to working at a weapons and munitions factory. The outstanding quality of teaching and the ability to learn while being paid made the training centre appealing. Here, apprentices were taught turning, milling, grinding, benchworking, welding, and electrical installation. Most employees began their careers at Artillerie Inrichtingen with the ‘Vaklieden’ training, and formed lifelong friendships.
A former employee recalls: ‘That’s how, in August 1946, I ended up at the in-company training centre at A.I.Hembrug. The training centre was called: ‘Opleiding Vaklieden’. You were paid while you learned. I ended 21 cents an hour. (…) The sport lessons were mandatory. Every week, in all weathers, we did sport outdoors on the football pitch. When the weather was really bad, we used one of the empty buildings. There were 2 mustard gas tanks on the sports field, and their manholes were open to let the air through. And of course, we went to have a look. We were far too blasé about the danger. There was also a big chimney on the waste incinerator that processed the industrial waste. Some boys climbed up via the climbing irons on the outside of the chimney, went over the edge, and came back down via the inside. There’s no way I was brave enough to do that.’
The current occupant is Uncrowned King. This company specializes in producing and designing films, series, commercials, shows, and theatre performances.
More information: http://uncrowned-king.com/
Built in 1991, not a monument
The Hembrug site was a restricted area where weapons and ammunition were produced by Artillerie Inrichtingen. From the 1970s onwards, civil engineering firm Eurometaal was based here. The central turning shop was one of Eurometaal’s production facilities. Here, components for ammunition and for civilian products were made, including heat exchangers for high-efficiency boilers, and blanks were stamped for the Royal Dutch Mint. Built in 1991, this was the last new building to be erected by Eurometaal at Hembrug.
Currently, the building is home to Taets Art and Event Park. Events and exhibitions are held here.
More information: https://www.taets.com/
Built in about 1928, the emergency station beneath building 322A is a municipal monument
If there was an accident in the factory, employees could take refuge in the two reinforced concrete shelters (alongside buildings 294 and 322) until it was safe to return. There are three entrances and exits, an access hole between the two shelters, and a passageway to the emergency station beneath the building. Benches were set up along each side of the shelter, on which people could sit and wait. When the shelters became redundant, they were used to store the archives.